Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2010: New Decade, Fresh Perspectives & Tips for Manifesting

By Dawn McSweeney, reprinted with permission from Grasping At Intangibles

The annual tradition of tying up loose ends, starting fresh, and making wild promises is upon us, and yet this time around it seems like more. It’s a fresh decade, and while “the tens” may not roll off the tongue, their introduction ought give us time for pause.

Ten years ago, we partied like it was 1999, because it was. We hoped the Y2K bug wouldn’t cancel our bank balances, or send off missiles, while
we secretly hoped that the year 2000 meant we’d all get our own jetpacks.

Take a moment to reflect on that: on where you were, who you were, all that has transpired along your journey since. There have doubtless been days you’ve tried to wish away, and those you wished you could hold on to forever. People have left our lives, others have entered, and we ourselves have grown. Is there any way you could’ve envisioned your current self back in 1999? Probably not. Odds are, you’d be pretty amazed if you knew then what you know now.

These milestones of years, of decades, of evolving traditions, are perfect times for reflection, gratitude, and the making of new plans. Here are a few tips for resolving and manifesting in this new decade:

* Don’t simply resolve to quit things. Plan on replacing negative habits and patterns with positive choices, and focus on those.

* Every day is a fresh start. Failing yesterday is no reason to give up on today. Be better.

* Concentrate on what you want and not what you’re missing. As with driving, you steer toward what you’re looking at. If you focus on your bills, you will always have bills; if you remember your abundance, you will have abundance. If you want love, practice compassion, faith, and self-love.

* Visualize until it feels true. Want that promotion? Picture yourself behind that desk, gazing out your new corner office window. Allow yourself the pride, relief, joy, that you’ve made it.

*Positive energy snowballs just as well as negative, and the most common quality in happy people is the desire to be happy. You can only hold one thought at any given moment. Choose a happy thought.

* Remember to be your best self. Trying to be someone else’s best sets you up for failure. Find your voice and revel in it; love yourself for it.

* Life is too short for hate. That goes for others, and yourself. You will be amazed at how loving and respecting yourself will change your perception, and how others perceive you. Look in the mirror and tell yourself you love yourself. Do it. Preferably naked. You are beautiful. Now celebrate with a cookie.

* Remember to give thanks for the little things, the moments of kindness shared with strangers, the fleeting moments of beauty and perfection. Give thanks not only so that there may be more of them, but so they may stay with you longer, in heart and mind. Compassion is contagious.

* If we all vow to do unto others this year, as we would have them do unto us, this year will be blissful.

May your life be filled with abundance and joy,
and may you always be aware that it is.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

HappyTree's HappyEverything Holiday Party is this Saturday!

Whether you're celebrating the solstice or the ski slopes, come share the joy of the season with the HappyTree Peeps! This Saturday from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. we'll raise our glasses to everything from Chrismukkah to gingerbread, and all the snow angels in between.

Everyone is welcome! Bring a friend, or treats to share, and spend some of your happy holidays at our HappyTree.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Yoga for Kids

Happy Kids go to HappyTree!

HappyTree Yoga Studio is pleased to introduce yoga for children of all ages.
Kids will be guided enthusiastically through a yoga adventure that will:

* Increase their balance, flexibility and strength.
* Develop their creativity and imagination.
* Enrich their confidence and self-esteem.
* Improve their body awareness and concentration.
* Help them sleep better.

This Sunday, November 29, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Sunday, January 31, 2010, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.
15$ + tax / child per session,
space is limited, SIGN UP NOW!

Got a group?
Schedule a class at our place or yours for your group of 8 or more kids to explore the wonders of yoga. 13$ / child per session, group pricing is also available.

Call (514) 846-YOGA (9642) to get your group started now!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Le yoga pour enfants

Les familles heureuses se retrouvent à HappyTree !

Quelle belle façon de passer un froid dimanche après-midi, pelotonné sur le sofa de HappyTree avec une tasse de thé bien chaud, en lisant ou en bavardant avec d’autres parents, pendant que votre enfant découvre les joies du yoga dans la pièce voisine.

Le dimanche 29 novembre 2009, et

le dimanche 31 janvier 2010

de 14h à 15h.

Enfants de quatre à sept ans

Coût par session : 15$ par enfant + taxe.

Appelez le 514-846-YOGA(9642) pour vous inscrire.

L’espace est limité.

Obtenez tous les renseignements sur le site «»

Emma English

Emma est instructrice de yoga pour enfants, certifiée de RCYP. Elle vient de Montréal. Elle guidera vos enfants avec enthousiasme à travers une aventure de yoga qui augmentera leur équilibre, leur flexibilité et leur force ; développera leur créativité et leur imagination ; enrichira leur confiance et leur estime d’eux-mêmes, et les aidera même à mieux dormir.

Rendez-vous au studio HappyTree!

Économisez 10% sur les abonnements réguliers du studio le jour où vous amènerez votre enfant à HappyTree au cours de Yoga pour enfants.*

* Cette offre expire le 31 janvier 2009. Cette offre n’est pas valable avec d’autres rabais ou promotions.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mala: Meanings & Materials

What's a Mala?
A mala is a length of prayer beads usually worn as a necklace or bracelet. It has 108 beads (109, if you count the unifying or head bead), or a fraction of 108, such as 27. 108 is an auspicious number, derived by multiplying the number of planets by the number of astrological houses (this system is thousands of years old, and yes, we're counting Pluto).

How to Pick Your Mala
With malas, as with crystals, stones and other power symbols, it's important to follow your intuition to the one most suited to you. Whether you follow your heart, or receive them as a gift, the mala you have, is the one you are meant to have, and it came into your life at just the right time.

How to Use Your Mala
A mala is akin to rosary beads, or focus stones. They are used to count off prayers or mantras, so that you don't have to count while chanting. The head bead is a reference point, and not to be counted. Traditional mantras would be in Sanskrit, and relating to one or more Hindu god, but anything can be a prayer or mantra. Whether you choose to use a prayer you're familiar with, such as the Serenity Prayer, or to select your own words, like repeating "joy and abundance" with each bead, helping to manifest these qualities. It is said that if you use your mala beads for 40 days in a row, they will become imbued with power that can be spread to anyone who wears them.

HappyTree Yoga has malas available in the following materials...

associated with the crown chakra, it's the "stone of spirituality and contentment". It balances the energies, and clears the aura.

Garnet: associated with the base chakra, and the elements of fire and sometimes earth, it is a stone of romantic love, passion, and devotion, as well as inspiration and motivation.

Jade: associated with the heart chakra an the element of water, jade is known for bringing luck, prosperity, longevity, wealth, and wisdom.

Moonstone: associated with the Mother Goddess, and lunar power, it's a stone strong in feminine powers. Good for all female health issues, it brings about an understanding of one's destiny, and is the stone of new beginnings for men and women. Cleanses negativity from the chakras.

Onyx: associated with the root chakra, and the elements of earth and sometimes fire, onyx is a protection stone, also promoting inner strength, focus, will power, discipline, and reason.

Quartz: the Jack of All Trades of stones. It amplifies wishes, tunes to all chakras and signs, and amplifies the powers of other stones. Comparable only to diamond in its versatility and power.

White Sandalwood: associated with Ram and Vishnu, it's used for peace and empowerment, and is associated with Gods more so than Goddesses.

Red Sandalwood: a symbol of Brahma and blessed by the goddess Lakshmi, it helps with attaining prosperity. Also associated with Ganesh, and with all Goddesses, it enlightens the super consciousness, improves concentration and facilitates detachment.

Rudrasksha: The seed of the rudraksha tree, rudrasksha literally means "the third-eye" or "tears of Shiva". Said to possess mystical and divine properties, it is considered to be auspicious and powerful, to maintain health, fulfill desires, and achieve all ambitions.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

2 ans déjà!

Je me rappelle, comme si c’était hier, m’être promenée rue Sainte-Catherine en visualisant l’endroit parfait où HappyTree pourrait prendre racine. Je m’imaginais un bijou caché : clair et spacieux, à Westmount, en face du métro Atwater (il est permis de rêver n’est-ce-pas ?). C’est alors que j’ai vu un petit signe poussiéreux : «À vendre», dans la fenêtre du deuxième étage, de laquelle je regarde maintenant tout en écrivant. Cela fait deux ans que ce rêve est devenu réalité.

Il y a quelque chose de magique ici, et je pense qu’on peut tous le percevoir en entrant. On s’y sent bien, on s’y sent chez soi. Que l’atmosphère soit exubérante ou calme, elle est toujours joyeuse, comme si les murs nous renvoyaient nos sourires.

Chacun de vous tient un petit morceau de cette magie dans ses mains, et j’espère que vous ne le garderez pas uniquement pour vous, mais le partagerez et le répandrez comme un rire contagieux, (faisant ainsi le bonheur de ceux que vous rencontrez).

La mission de HappyTree est de créer une communauté dont les membres seraient en bonne santé, en bonne forme et pleinement conscients.

Notre première relation, la plus importante, est avec nous-mêmes et vous vous êtes tous engagés à l’explorer et à l’approfondir. Comme le Mahatma Gandhi a si bien dit « Vous devez être le changement que vous souhaitez voir dans le monde».

Merci de vous donner l’occasion de vous rendre service. Sans vous, HappyTree et tout ce que nous sommes ne seraient qu’une création de l’imagination. Avec vous, nous représentons l’espoir et l’inspiration d’un monde meilleur.

Chacun de vous m’inspire tous les jours à poursuivre ma vision, à relever le défi et à avancer. Merci. Puissions nous continuer à nous enraciner, à devenir fort, et à étaler nos branches encore de nombreuses années !

J’attends avec impatience de vous voir tous à la fête de HappyTree samedi prochain, pour célébrer sa deuxième année.

Melanie Richards
Fondatrice/Directrice du Studio de yoga HappyTree

PS. Le genre masculin est employé ici pour faciliter la lecture du texte.


Étudiant du mois: Robert Dupont

J’ai commencé à faire du yin-yoga il y a 18 mois à l’âge de 64 ans. Quand j’ai appelé le studio de HappyTree mon but était d’augmenter ma souplesse musculaire. J’aime le froid, l’exercice, les travaux d’extérieur et tout ce qui est d’effort au plein-air. Le yin m’a apporté la souplesse physique et mentale qui m’a permis d’être plus performant. Par exemple, mon premier signe de fatigue en vélo,surtout sur les côtes, était le mal de reins. Depuis un an déjà je n’ai plus ce mal, même après 4 et 5 heures de piste.
Lors d’une tournée de vélo en Abitibi en septembre dernier je faisais mes exercices de yin en attendant que le temps s’éclaircisse pour entreprendre 7 à 9 heures de route. Je me fatiguais, mais partout, pas particulièrement au dos. Le lendemain après une session de yoga et un bon sommeil j’étais toujours prime. Je pourrais raconté un tas d’anecdotes de mes randos de ski de fond et de marches en montagne que je fais surtout en hiver malgré que je suis un frileux. Mon fond de yoga améliore toujours la qualité de mes sorties.
Avouez aussi qu’on dort si bien après une bonne session de yin-yoga! Merci, Melanie de m’avoir si bien initié : ça fait du bien. Le yoga fait partie de moi maintenant et c’est un intérêt que je vais cultiver. Robert Dupont

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Posture Clinic with Albert Bissada

Deepen your yoga asana practice with Albert Bissada

This Saturday, October 17th, 2009


Self-investment: $55 + tax

In this workshop, we will explore some of the keys to developing an insightful approach to the practice of yoga asana, such as using the power of intention to unlock the potential for spiritual awakening inherent in each pose.

We will overview some common postures, including the Sun Salutations and their variants, as well as some strengthening exercises to establish a solid foundation for an effortless progression into advanced poses. The emphasis will be on inversions, such as headstand (known as the King of all postures); the shoulderstand (the Queen of all postures); handstand for conquering fear and defying gravity; and the peacock feather, the forearm balancing pose.

Space is limited & pre-registration is required.
Reserve your place now by calling (514)846-YOGA.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Fun @ theMall

We headed back to Alexis Nihon last Friday for our 2nd Annual HappyTree Day there. There were demos, classes, old friends, new friends, and some brave participants who walked on up and joined the HappyTree gang for a few poses.

Thanks to those who made it so much fun and such a success.

Click here for more pics of our day at the mall!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Free Classes @ Lululemon Greene Avenue!

Free classes at Lululemon Greene Avenue with a few of your fave
HappyTree teachers!
We still have 3 classes coming up this month,
so come on down for some in -store yoga!

Tuesday, July 14
9 - 10 a.m
Yoga with Paul

Sunday, July 19
9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
Yin with Melanie

Sunday, July 26
9:30 - 10:30
Yoga with Albert
The store is located at:
1394 Avenue Greene
Westmount, H3Z 2B1
Click here for more information.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

We Brought the Funk!

HappyTree rocked the Virgin Mobile Music Festival last weekend! We spent the day listening to awesome tunes, spreading the joy, and holding classes in the grass.

We most definitely brought our happy homey vibe with us to the show; between classes people lounged and chatted with us, just like they would here at the studio!

We made some lovely friends, introduced yoga to a some good sports who'd never dreamed of getting on a mat, and reminded a few folks just why they fell in love with yoga to begin with. An amazing time was had by all.

With the bass, the cheering, the curious spectators and circus atmosphere, it seemed an odd place to seek center, but the exuberent joy and harmony of the people made openhearted union seem like the most natural thing in the world.

Thanks so much to the teachers & helpers for making it all happen (and for holding down the headquarters while we rocked out!), and thanks to all the lovely peeps we met
who smiled at the chance to try something new in the most unlikely of places!

Know somewhere we should bring the happiness to?
Call, write or comment
if you know of an event or group that could use a little HappyTree in their heart!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

HappyTree's Going to the Virgin Music Fest!

That's right! HappyTree Yoga's pitching a tent, and taking part in the First Montreal Virgin Music Fest at Parc Jean Drapeau this Friday & Saturday.

We'll be holding free half hour classes, doing demos all day, meeting, greeting and bringing some of our fab to the party. Just think: yoga in the sun with live bands in the background. I'm smiling already!

Coming out to the concert? Stop in and say hi, or join a class and get your yoga fix! Nothing beats running into familiar friendly faces at a huge outdoor event, so come get a hug!

Not planning on joining the party? Why not? What better way to kick off the precious Montreal summer than an outdoor show?

Click here to check the lineup, schedule, maps, and to score your last minute tix.

See you there!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

New Goodies!

We're glad to say that everyone seems to appreciate the quotes that find their way around the studio. Whether they're on the community board, in the locker room, tucked inside a box'o'wisdom marked simply "Open Me", or just some words we try to live by, these positive perspectives go a long way to brightening a blue mood, or just reminding you that you're on the right track.

Click here for a dose of brains and beauty, and enjoy our latest feature "Quotes From theTree", an archive of some of our fave wall quotes.

Wanna make your space more uplifting? Print them out and post them on your desk, mirrors, or even in your wallet to keep yourself strong & smiling.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

We're the Best! Thanks to You!

The results for the Montreal Mirror's Best of Montreal 2009 Poll came out this week, and we're the #1 Independent Yoga Studio in Montreal (#2 overall).

We know we love it here: we practice here, we catch up with our friends and family here, we share meals, stories & laughter here. HappyTree has become an integral part of our lives.

The touching thing is that being voted the #1 Independent Studio in Montreal means that HappyTree has become an important part of your life too, maybe in even a part of your extended family. And we're tickled HappyTree purple to hear it.

(When we found out we jumped, smiling & screaming all over the know we did!)

We're proud to be more than just a place to practice, & glad to be part of your community, and your life.

In case we haven't told you lately:
you're stunning, & we love you right down to your toes.

Check out Montreal's other faves here BoM2009.
(Some of HappyTree's friends & faves made the list!)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Shoulder Clinic with Jodie Duplisea

Show your shoulders some love!

This Saturday, May 2nd, 2009

4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Cost: $50 + tax


The shoulders are the joints that have the greatest motion potential in our bodies.  Physically, they allow us to stretch, lift, throw, pull and swing.  Forming part of the heart chakra, they also show us how to handle intuition, hope, love and forgiveness. And when we are unbalanced, they hold on to resentment, loneliness, grief, anger and mistrust.

In this clinic, we will learn postures to release physical as well as emotional shoulder tension. 

Jodie Duplisea began practicing yoga as a young child with her grandmother, in order to recover from a serious neck injury. Being a tomboy and chronic klutz, she returned to her grandmother several more times during her youth to heal from sports injuries, until finally realizing the benefits of having her own daily yoga practice. 

Because of her first-hand experience with the healing benefits of yoga, Jodie is fascinated by its therapeutic effects and loves to pass on her knowledge to her students so that they may optimize their health as well.  She has studied various natural health modalities, including different types of massage and several forms of yoga.  She is currently studying dynamic osteopathy at Cera.

 Pre-registration is required and space is limited.

 Please call

514.846.YOGA (9642)

to register.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Join Us On Facebook!

Are you a friend of HappyTree or a curious friend-to-be admiring our smiles from a distance? Why not make it official and join the HappyTree Yoga group on Facebook?

You'll not only find pics and updates there, but you'll also get to be a part of our community. Have questions or suggestions? Post 'em! You may even find that some of your friends are already our friends too.

Just type HappyTree Yoga into your Facebook search bar. It's really that easy.


Friday, April 17, 2009

FREE Class with Mark Laham @ Lululemon TONIGHT!

Lululemon Presents a FREE CLASS with Mark Laham

Greene Ave. Lululemon

1394 Greene Ave., Westmount

Friday April 17

                      7 - 8pm                             

Join Mark THERE tonight, 

and get a discount on his 

workshop HERE tomorrow!






Thursday, April 16, 2009

HappyTree's Picks for the Montreal Mirror's Best of Montreal

A promised, here are 41 of HappyTree's fave things in Montreal. You only need 25 to fill out the ballot, so pick, choose, come up with your own, vote for your friends and pets, but please vote for us!!! Think of the karma points!

Here's the link. You know what to do.

The best free thing to do in Montreal: Tam Tams

Tackiest Personality: Mose Persico

Best Neighborhood: Westmount

Best Local Radio Host: Richard Deschamps

Best Local Newscaster: Todd Van der Hayden

Best Blog:

Best Dance Club: Tokyo

Best Comedy Bar: Comedy Nest

Best Club DJ: Team Canada

Best Band / Heaviest Band: Priestess

Best Local Living Author: Leonard Cohen

Best Actress: Sarah Hansen

Best Festival:
Jazz Festival

Best New Clothing Store: Lululemon

Best Hair Salon: Esthetica

Best Stylist: Mary @ Esthetica

Best Bagel: R.E.A.L. Bagel (Ste. Catherine & Greene)

Best Bar-BQ Chicken: Cote St. Luc Bar BQ

Best Burger: MBurger

Best Souvlaki: Souvlaki George

Best Used Record Store: Cheap Thrills

Best Musical Instrument Store: Steve's

Best Cinema (first run): AMC

Best New Bookstore: Nicholas Hoare Bookstore

Best Used Bookstore: Presque neuf

Best Bicycle Shop: Martin's Swiss Cycle

Best Yoga Studio: HappyTree Yoga Studio

Best Florist: Westmount Florist

Best Health Food Store: Rachelle-Bery

Best Head Shop: Boutique Rock

Best New Restaurant: Graziella

Best Cheap Eats: Claremont

Best Pricey Eats: Bronte

Best Late Night Eats: Le Meac

Best Breakfast: Tutti Fruiti

Best Greek: Souvlaki George

Best Middle-Eastern: Amir

Best Vegetarian: Aux Vivres

Best Indian: Pushap's

Best Non-Chain Coffee:
Cafe Creme

Best Fromagerie: Foumagerie

Best Ice Cream: Bilboquet

Best Fruit/Veggie Stand: Atwater Market

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Vote for Us!

Just in time for our first taste of spring and (hopefully) the last relapse into snow, the Montreal Mirror has opened voting for their 20th Annual Best of Montreal, so get ready to rate your faves!

Last year we ranked 4th of the top 5 yoga studios in Montreal (thanks guys! We'd only been open for 6 months at the time!), and this time around we're ready to be Montreal's #1 yoga studio.

But we can't do that without your help! Show your love by voting!

The ballot covers everything from Best Looking Clientele to Best Fishmonger, so give shout outs to all your fave peeps & places. You need to fill out a minimum of 25 questions, 
and in the event you don't have 25 favorite things in Montreal, let us know, and we'll tell you some of the things we think are so abfab.

HappyTree's more than just another pretty studio (though it is stunning!). Our clients already know that we feel yoga of all things should be holistic, inclusive, and fun. As a result, we know your name, we appreciate your smile, and we're touched that you choose to share your practice with us. Whether you love our classes, our tea, our parties, or the random fruits and baked goods that show up in our lounge, we hope that somehow HappyTree has brightened your life. 

Please let the rest of Montreal know!

The deadline for entry is midnight, Friday, April 24th
The results will appear in the Thursday, May 24th edition of the Mirror. 

Kirtan with The Bhakti Connection

  Open Your Heart & Sing From Your Soul!

Saturday May 9th, 2009
6:00-7:30 p.m.

Kirtan is an opportunity to experience Naad Yoga (the yoga of sound) and Bhakti Yoga, (the yoga of devotion).

Join The Bhakti Connection for an interactive gathering, creating blissful vibrations to open the heart. Elevate your consciousness through music, and connect with other voices from teh community.

All are welcome, and no experience is necessary.

Bring a friend! Every voice is welcome!

Call (514)849-YOGA (9642) to sign up now.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Room to Relax

"It's always a pleasure to do yoga at HappyTree. With a bright and cozy environment, I immensely enjoy my practice and chatting on the couch with others, drinking tea. Yoga at the studio provides an energizing and relaxing break from my studies."

- Kylie Luska, Ph.D Candidate
HappyTree member since April, 2008

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Stress Management Workshop with Mark

A revolutionary approach to one of the biggest epidemics
of our times!

Join Mark Laham
as he breaks through the myths about stress,

and learn how to handle stress the MindBody Warrior way!
The truth of the matter is that most people don’t even realize they’re stressed, let alone understand the long-term effects that it can have on both their mental and physical health.

Stress, in-and-of-itself, is neither good nor bad. It is what you do with it that makes all the difference. Most people will tighten up, cut off their breath, and get all worked up and flustered when faced with challenges or stresses.

Let Mark teach you how to handle stressful situations with ease and turn them into an opportunity to thrive and grow on both a personal and professional level.

Material covered:

* How to identify stresses and tensions in your life.

* Tips on how to deal with them as they happen.

* How to identify the real causes of the stresses in your life.

* How to train yourself to stay calm, focused and in control during the most
challenging of situations.

* Exercises to help strengthen your nervous system so that you can raise the
threshold of how much your system can take.

If you are living in North America today, you can’t afford not to take this workshop!

Saturday, April 18th 3:00 -7:00 p.m. $89.00 + tax
Early Bird Special: pay only $79.00 + tx before April 4th!
Call 514-846-YOGA (9642) to register. Space is limited.

Click here for more about Mark Laham

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Balance, originally uploaded by HappyTree Yoga.

Want to know more about our Corporate Yoga program?
Call (514)846-YOGA
or visit us at

(High heels and laptop not included)

Finding center

Coming to center, originally uploaded by HappyTree Yoga.

Students take a moment to center themselves before practice.


Class, originally uploaded by HappyTree Yoga.

Yogis love to let the sunshine in!

Have your cake & eat it too!

Melanie Halpert actually completed her personal challenge of "100 Classes in 100 Days" by doing 101 Classes in 90 days. She celebrates here with a well deserved cake, Melanie Richards (HappyTree founder & instructor), and instructor Albert Bissada.

She says:
"My experience at HappyTree Yoga Studio over the past year has been nothing short of extraordinary. Not only have I found my niche within a welcoming, nourishing community, but I have also transcended many self-limiting beliefs thanks to the excellent instruction I have received throughout my practice. When I reflect upon where I was when I first joined the studio and see where I am now, I am truly astounded by the transformation of my body, mind and spirit."

- Melanie Halpert
HappyTree member since October 29, 2007
279 Classes (& counting)

HappyTree Visits Westmount Square

We brought the HappyTree vibes to Westmount Square in January '09, with two days of demos & giveaways.

Alexis Nihon: HappyTree @ the Mall

Down dog...., originally uploaded by HappyTree Yoga.

A public display of yoga at Alexis Nihon in fall 2008. We were all shy at first, but we had a great time! Mall yoga can be addictive!

Hangin' @ TheTree

Hangin' @ TheTree, originally uploaded by HappyTree Yoga.

HappyTree peeps chatting & chillaxin' after class.