Tuesday, June 23, 2009

We Brought the Funk!

HappyTree rocked the Virgin Mobile Music Festival last weekend! We spent the day listening to awesome tunes, spreading the joy, and holding classes in the grass.

We most definitely brought our happy homey vibe with us to the show; between classes people lounged and chatted with us, just like they would here at the studio!

We made some lovely friends, introduced yoga to a some good sports who'd never dreamed of getting on a mat, and reminded a few folks just why they fell in love with yoga to begin with. An amazing time was had by all.

With the bass, the cheering, the curious spectators and circus atmosphere, it seemed an odd place to seek center, but the exuberent joy and harmony of the people made openhearted union seem like the most natural thing in the world.

Thanks so much to the teachers & helpers for making it all happen (and for holding down the headquarters while we rocked out!), and thanks to all the lovely peeps we met
who smiled at the chance to try something new in the most unlikely of places!

Know somewhere we should bring the happiness to?
Call, write or comment
if you know of an event or group that could use a little HappyTree in their heart!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

HappyTree's Going to the Virgin Music Fest!

That's right! HappyTree Yoga's pitching a tent, and taking part in the First Montreal Virgin Music Fest at Parc Jean Drapeau this Friday & Saturday.

We'll be holding free half hour classes, doing demos all day, meeting, greeting and bringing some of our fab to the party. Just think: yoga in the sun with live bands in the background. I'm smiling already!

Coming out to the concert? Stop in and say hi, or join a class and get your yoga fix! Nothing beats running into familiar friendly faces at a huge outdoor event, so come get a hug!

Not planning on joining the party? Why not? What better way to kick off the precious Montreal summer than an outdoor show?

Click here to check the lineup, schedule, maps, and to score your last minute tix.

See you there!